Friday 17 January 2014


            A paragraph about how annoying Life Gives You Lemons is
 (in big writing to know how annoying she is!)

well firstly never be friends with her because she nosy: Every time I say something and for any reason she didn't hear she would ask what I was saying when it wasn't really directed to her it makes me so annoyed it goes What, What , what sorry? I always say in my head 'Oh god shut-up you are so annoying' . Secondly she and her relationship. Well I don't like when my friends date each other I feel like piggy in the middle so she goes and dates one of my friends. I was furious I was like what a fucking bitch! Thirdly: She's always sad so I made an art book and talking about how she can get a bit moody and she took it so seriously she wrote it on her status and wrote a really silly thing that only a little rat would write. I really want her to see this asap

signed off
#your fame seeker Josh


  1. ¬.¬ Mhhmmm. ¬.¬ I've seen it alright ¬.¬ And, plus, how do you think I feel? I'm only sad because you make me sad. Actually, if you were to ask anyone else, they would say I'm not always sad. BECAUSE I'M ONLY SAD WHEN YOU'RE AROUND XD

    1. your hideous you know? Your just a bastard so just go away
